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Free Live Streaming Of Cricket World Cup 2011
Just after a couple of weeks, everybody’s eyes will be on cricket world cup 2011 ! This time three South Asian courtiers: India, Srilanka and Bangladesh are hosting the tournament. The opening ceremony of the world cup 2011 will be held on Sher-e-Bangla National Stadium in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
There is a good news for cricket lovers. Even when you are in office or attending class and if you have access to internet then you will be able to watch cricket by live streaming on the web without any cost !
There are many sites offering free live cricket streaming but I found this site to be of great help:
For World Cup 2011 fixtures and timings download the excel file given below:
2011 Cricket World Cup Tournament Schedule

International Messaging for iPhone Users: Affordable and Free Ways to Stay in Touch From Abroad
This is a guest post by Nadia Jones who blogs at accredited online colleges about education, college, student, teacher, money saving, movie related topics. You can reach her at nadia.jones5 @ gmail.com [without space]. If you write to write for bdtechie then check the guest posting guidelines
Blackberry messenger (referred to as BBM by those that use it) provides a free messaging service for all Blackberry users, regardless of your country of residence. If you don’t own a Blackberry, do not fear! You can still utilize tools similar to Blackberry Messaging to stay in contact with your friends abroad. Some of these tools can also help you talk or message buddies, rather than solely engage in impersonal email messages. Stay in touch with friends and family at an affordable price or for free with the following tools!
The WhatsApp is an application which is similar to the Blackberry Messenger system. It basically allows application users to communicate freely without charge. It offers an extra bonus however, as it can be used as a communication medium for those with any of the following phones: iPhone, Android, Nokia, or Blackberry. The best part about the application is you can text anyone with the application (regardless of phone type). IPhone users can text a Nokia phone holder through the WhatsApp service for free! Of course, you do have to use your normal internet service to access the application, which is already included in most iPhone plans abroad!
Windows Live Messenger for iPhone
The Windows Live Messenger is a great way to stay in touch with your friends as well. It can also act as a messenger/text service for your friends who have constant access to internet, or better yet, a Smartphone. My mom, who doesn’t have a Smartphone, would use it to keep in touch with me abroad. I would send her an instant message on Windows Messenger to let her know when I arrived safely at my apartment or in a new city/destination. It is quicker than email and some would argue (including me), way more personal!
Twitter Direct Messaging
Tweeting may be impersonal at times, but the direct messenger tool within Twitter can provide an alternate to email or texting abroad. You can set up your account to vibrate or send you a text message every time you receive a new direct message from your Twitter account. Use the tool to send your friends great articles, videos, and any funny messages you read off your twitter (or any other information). Distance shouldn’t keep you from staying in touch with your good friends and family!
Skype Without a Smartphone Internet Plan
For those of you who choose not to use your Smartphone abroad, you can still use your Skype account to talk to your family and friends from your Skype iPhone application. You can actually log into your Skype account from any internet café or location with wireless access! If your friend and you are logged onto Skype at the same time, you can actually hold a real conversation (similar to a telephone call) for free, from any place with wireless internet access. If not, you can purchase Skype credits to call friends and family abroad. Log onto your account, and place a call at your own convenience!

iCloud Will Hit The Sky Soon
Yesterday Steve Job’s Apple announced at Apple Worldwide Developers Conference that iCloud service will be available to the public along with release of iOS 5. iCloud will allow users to store music, apps, documents, photos or image and many others on cloud server enabling users to access all the content from any devices including PC. Happy to say that there will be no charge in using iCloud service, you will be getting 5 Gb of free storage.

5 New Ways to Celebrate The Beatles on your iPhone
This is a guest post by Greg Buckskin, when he’s not playing in the great outdoors he is a writer and blogger for Comcast.USDirect.com. If you want to write for bdtechie then check the guest posting guidelines
British musician and composer Paul McCartney (who gained worldwide fame as a member of The Beatles from 1960 to 1970) turned sixty-nine on June 18th. And for those of you who didn’t get the chance to bake a cake in celebration of this day, there are still ways for you to celebrate.
Since McCartney is in fact one of only two surviving band members, what better way to join in the celebration and simply kick back and enjoy some classic Beatles music? And luckily, enjoying the Beatles on your iPod Touch, iPad, or iPhone has never been easier
In the past decade or so, The Beatles have truly gone viral and there are now multiple platforms and forms of media to help you enjoy the Fab Four.
1. Beatles Facebook Quiz
While it is true that Facebook quizzes are a dime a dozen, the Beatles Facebook quiz is one of the best. This quiz helps you determine your true inner Beatle by asking you very profound questions about your dislikes and interests. After Facebook expertly calculates the results, you will finally know whether you are more like a Ringo as you always suspected, or if your personality is more is more George-like.
2. Original Beatles Music on iTunes
Even though iTunes has been around for the better part of the past decade, The Beatles back catalog was not available for download until November 2010. Now that these songs are available, fans should definitely take advantage of the opportunity while it is still available because you never know if the plug will suddenly be pulled. All 13 studio albums (as well as the "Red" and "Blue" collections) are now available in a remastered format. And since you can set your iTunes to encode at 320 kbps, you should really be able to hear the difference in the master versions.
3. Beatles Video Apps
Since the band has been named as one of the most influential rock bands of all time, it is only natural that numerous movies and documentaries have been made on the subject. Only recently have you been able to access them on your phone, however. Some of the best Beatles movies can now be watched right on your iPad, iPhone or iTouch by simply downloading an app or two. The Journey combines documentary footage and stills to follow the rise and fall of the most important rock band ever. The Long and Winding Road is a five-part documentary that details the band’s entire history and Big Beat Box is all about "Beatlemania." There are also video apps depicting the lives of George Harrison and John Lennon.
4. "Love" the App
The Cirque du Soleil production "LOVE" (originally the brainchild of George Harrison and Guy Laliberte) is currently playing at the Mirage in Las Vegas. The show celebrates the music of the Beatles and has been seen by more than 1.5 million people since it opened in 2006. Fortunately, you don’t need to travel to Las Vegas to enjoy the music of "LOVE". You can download it as an iTunes LP or as individual songs. You can also buy it as an in-app purchase in the Beatles Love app. The app lest you watch video clips from the show, interviews , exclusive deals on tickets for the live performance and give you access to "All Together Now," a Grammy-winning documentary that tells the fascinating story behind the collaboration between George Harrison and Guy Laliberte that was ultimately responsible for the production of "LOVE".
5. The Little Black Songbook App
The newest (and possibly best) Beatles app to hit the market is the Little Black Songbook app for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. This app comes complete with lyrics and chords to over 160 Beatles classics. Additionally, each song has its own chord library where the user can view enhanced details and play audio samples of chords used in the song.

Will Facebook’s Drop in Users Lead to a Drop in Crime?
It looks like the beginning of the end for Facebook may finally be near. Last month was not only the first month in years where the social networking giant didn’t enjoy an increase in active users, but actually lost some (7 million according to some sources). While CEO and de facto Princess of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg is quick to assure us that it is perfectly normal for their numbers of users to fluctuate and blame the figures on distorted data from ad companies’ software, Facebook’s refusal to release their own official numbers are definitely not helping in proving their point.
Even if you’re not a member of the small band of resistance that have refused to get a Facebook account, there may be good reason to be excited about an impending collapse of the social networking giant. Last year saw a 12% increase in identity theft cases, much of which was attributed to online scams like spyware and phishing on social networking sites. Facebook, in conjunction with its perpetually mutating privacy settings, has become a breeding ground for not only scammers but even potential burglars.
Even if you are sharp enough to avoid phishing attempts by checking the URL before you enter your login information, you can still be at risk simply because of the information on your page. Even though information obtained online only accounts for about 10% of identity theft cases, a much larger percentage of burglaries are committed with information gained from Facebook profiles. For example, many burglars will create fake accounts and friend you (or simply read your page if you haven’t been keeping up with Mark Zuckerberg’s privacy setting A.D.D.) in order to find out your address, when you work, when you’re going on vacation, etc. Having even the best home alarm system would do virtually nothing to prevent a break-in if the burglar has access to this much information.
If you’re thinking that all of this doesn’t sound too plausible, you should keep in mind that a study done in the UK in 2009 found that out of 200 test subjects, more than 40% accepted a friend request from a person they didn’t know (if you were guessing that that random person was a 21 year old chick, then you are completely correct). So, the question remains: if Facebook’s recent loss of users is a foreshadowing of its impending doom, will we see a coinciding drop in identity theft and burglary rates, or will another social network simply take its place?

Google Pagerank Update Confirmed June 27th, 2011
I think Google Pagerank Update is on the progress or has competed. My blog’s Pagerank improved from PR 2 to PR 3. How about yours ?

Note Taking on Android and Other Smartphone
Harnessing my inner-nerd, the second I got a smartphone, my first thought was “How will this change the way I take notes?!” Let me give you a little history first. I’m a chronic note taker, list maker, and documenter of various important (and mundane) ideas and reminders. Before I had a smartphone, I always carried a pen and tiny pocket-sized moleskin. A lot of times I would just use it for phone numbers, grocery lists, or directions. Occasionally I would find myself struck with a rare moment of brilliance in which I actually use it to document a good idea.
After a while though, I would get a little tired of carrying around a pen and notebook and my phone (that didn’t serve as a note-taking device at the time) and my keys and a wallet and whatever else I felt I needed to have with me even though I probably didn’t. Once I started gearing towards a smartphone, I started to realize the vastly convenient potential of having an excellent, multifaceted note-taking device all on one phone, that you take with you everywhere.
Which Note-Taking App to Get?
This is a very good question to ask yourself as you begin transforming your smartphone into a fully fledged notebook. There are a number of great apps you can try out, many of them for free. For the Android, I’ve found Note Everything to be a great utilitarian note-taking app; it gives you the ability to document your usual text and voice notes and even “paint” notes as well, meaning that you can jot things really quickly with the touchscreen if you just want a rough sketch or don’t want to deal with the hassle of a touchscreen keyboard. Note Everything has a Pro version (available for $4.50) which allows you to take photo notes, set reminders and alarms, create checklists, and stick notes in the status bar. Note Everything Pro is a great all-around note-taking tool that can pretty much fit anyone’s needs.
Another great note-taking app is the trusty Evernote, which works on any smartphone. Evernote allows you to record text notes, pictures, voice notes, and upload files. Essentially what makes Evernote different from Note Everything is that it stores all notes in the Evernote cloud website while Note Everything stores locally on the phone. This makes the Evernote app move a bit more slowly than Note Everything (because you have to wait to upload every note), but this also gives you plenty of storage space and allows you to easily access your notes on any computer. So it really depends on how you want to access your notes once you’ve taken them. I recommend at least trying both, if not all the other countless note-taking apps out there, but I’m also a huge note-taking nerd.
How These Apps Can Help Bloggers
A lot of the ideas you get for blogging (or that I get anyway) don’t happen when you’re at your computer ready to type a post. Sure, you can usually remember them once you’re in front of your keyboard, but this is not always the case. In fact, there are many ideas that you’ve probably forgotten, and you simply don’t even realize that you’ve forgotten them.
Let’s say I’m walking down the street, and I see an advertisement for a new tech gadget that I didn’t even realize was coming. I take out my smartphone, snap a picture, and store it in Evernote with the tags “tech” and “blogpost.” Then once I sit down at my computer to write for a technology blog, that idea is there, organized, and waiting for me to use it.

Video Chat On Facebook Is Live Now
After one week of Google plus’ launch, Facebook added a new feature called “video chat”. There is nothing to be excited about it because this video chat is something which you have been experiencing from long time ago in windows live messenger, yahoo messenger and in Skype.
But this new feature added a flexibility of having video conversation with your friend. You don’t have to run a separate software, logging in and then starting a conversation. Just “a click” on a button on Facebook chat will do the work.
o activate this feature go to the following link, http://facebook.com/videocalling
Click on Get Started button and this will prompt you to download a small plugin.
Install it and you will see a button having the shape of a video camera on your chat window.
In order to have a video conversation with your friend, he or she also need to activate video chat from the link given above.

A Great CMS with No Space Limitation – uCoz Hosted CMS Review
You may heard of blogging platform like wordpress, tumblr or blogspot but I am sure uCoz is not familiar to you. uCoz is a blogging platform which joined the CMS arena recently. Using this CMS I made a site just for testing and to see how it is compared to other CMS. With uCoz CMS you can make websites for news, ad board, blog, photo albums, online games, guestbook, tests, email forms, polls and many more.
Although I have not used or looked deeply into it but I can say it has got the following PROS and CONS:
- uCoz by default has 250 templates so you have got plenty of choices to choose a perfect design
- When you made a site using uCoz you will get a free subdomain and ofcourse you have the option to add a domain name to your site
- It has got backup options which I think none other CMS provides
- You don’t have to worry about space because uCoz provides unlimited free space !
- Interface is user friendly
- FTP access is supported and you can upload multimedia files like mp3, videos, documents etc
- You have total control of the website you made with uCoz. You can edit CSS, HTML, content blocks, header images and even template code
- Support forum with active community
There is nothing perfect in this world so it is obvious that some products or services may have CONS in it.
- Forced ads in free version. So, if you want your website to be run professionally then you have to use the paid version
- No PHP and hence no MySQL and other scripts
- Not SEO friendly like self hosted wordpress
- Website made with uCoz are hosted on shared hosting so your website may face ban if you have high traffic to your site
Here is a review from a user who has been using uCoz free website maker for over three years:
I use UCOZ services for multiple websites for five years. The system is perfect for small business websites. The community is very responsive and the support is responsible.

Three Great Android Apps to Fit Your Budget
This guest post is contributed by Ashyia. With gas buddy on her phone and the best gas credit card in her wallet, she saves at the pump, even when gas is $4/gallon. If you want to write for bdtechie then check the guest posting guidelines
The Android application market is booming, despite predictions otherwise. Some apps are cheap or even free, but not all are worth downloading. Below are three popular apps that cost next to nothing or nothing at all.
1. Tango
The Tango app for Android allows you to make free calls to other Tango users. Better yet, you can make free video calls. According to Gizmodo, a technology weblog, Tango is the clearest way to chat by video on a smartphone.
Many people report that the voice quality and video are better than other popular methods of video chatting, like Skype. Tango also lets users easily switch between voice and video chat, and back again. This app is completely free to download and use.
2. Pandora
Pandora is a music streaming app for Android. It lets you find music by a favorite band, create and save channels, skip songs, and pause. Your radio channels and music preferences can be customized on an Internet browser, then carried over to your phone.
This Android app is totally legal. Part of what makes it legal is that you cannot play a specific song. It acts more like a radio rather than a compilation of songs to play in your order of preference. You can choose what type of songs and tell Pandora to play songs by a certain band, though.
The basic Pandora app is free for everyone. To remove audio commercials, you can upgrade to Pandora One. Most other features of Pandora One, like custom skins and better music quality, are limited to the web browser version. It costs $36 for a full year subscription, which works out to less than 10 cents per day.
3. Gas Buddy
Gas Buddy is an Android app that finds the cheapest gas prices in your area. It has gas station prices for all 50 states, plus Canada. The app also tells you if nearby gas station have gone up or down in price, and by how much. With Gas Buddy, finding cheap gas is easy, even when you are in an unfamiliar city. Users are awarded for updating gas stations with the latest prices. The more points you have, the more likely you are to win a $250 gift card or other prize. These gift cards are usually toward local gas stations. Best of all, the application is free to download.
The applications above are by no means the only good ones. Among the thousands of apps, other great Android apps are waiting to be discovered.

How To Get The Old Facebook Chat To Get Rid Of Annoying Chat Sidebar
Facebook’s new chat interface is totally worthless. This stupid chat sidebar appears in every pages and annoys me. Sometimes I see no one online with this new Facebook chat, don’t know whether the problem is happening only to me or not.
Once you enable this new chat feature in Facebook you can’t get back to old one but yes there is solution for it and behind every successful solution there is a geek or hacker !
A friend of mine shared a link with me on Facebook. The link is about a simple chrome extension and installing it will get you back to old Facebook chat. This chrome extension works on google chrome browser only. If you are using other browser like Opera or Firefox and don’t want to switch to chrome then there’s a different version available for it.
The downliad link for chrome extension and instructions are given on the link here,

How Gadgets And Apps Are Saving You A Lot Of Time
This is a guest post written by Madison Hewerdine who is an author and writes about predictive dialing and has a passion for playing volleyball. If you want to write for bdtechie then check the guest posting guidelines
So many gizmos and gadgets have been invented to help people save time. Each new product saves time and energy which helps people waste less and less time throughout the day. Here is a list of products and the different ways they can help you save time and energy. By using these things effectively you can spend more time on the more important things in life
Smartphones have applications, or Apps, that can help save time depending on what you do most often and whether or not you have the right Apps that can help with those things. Some Apps help you keep track of expenses and records even while you are away from your desktop. You can keep track of tax records on smartphones also. It can also work as a GPS which can help you save time when you are trying to find things.
Digital Video Recorders help save a lot of time. How many people stay up too late because they want to finish a movie or show? Each commercial get’s longer and longer and before long you are falling asleep before the movie ends. DVR helps people watch only what they want to see, when they want to see it. This saves time usually spent watching commercials.
Predictive dialing
A predictive dialer dials a list of numbers and connects those who answer to the people making the call. The people answering the calls are often called agents. Predictive dialers save a lot of time because they do not dial numbers one at a time, and if an agent is not available to take the call the predictive dialer plays a recorded message.
A personal digital assistant, or a palmtop computer, or a personal data assistant. Whatever you call it, it is a mobile device that can usually connect to the internet and functions as a manager for personal information. This can save time because it is mobile and go where you go. Many doctors use these to pull up information quickly. Though many are now called smartphones, they are still being used today.

Need Security for your Website or Blog? Try Incapsula CDN
Written by Lisa, an avid yoga enthusiast who enjoys writing in her spare time for UsDirect.com Want to write for this blog ? Check the guest posting guidelines
I’m sure you have read recent stories similar to the Sony Playstation network breach, if not then look it up. Network breaches result in the theft of personal data of millions of users. The last thing that you want for your online business is a breach. Our lives are becoming reliant on online businesses, and we have to divulge our personal information trusting that these companies can keep it safe. There are a lot of hackers and programmers whose job it is to invade websites and networks.
Small business owners don’t have the money or resources to fight hackers. That is where affordable options like Incapsula come in. Incapsula is a great alternative to Cloudflare CDN
Incapsula is a security solution to keep spammers and hackers from breaching your website. They offer website security, increased speed, and real time updates regarding threats to your site.
There is no size regulation to use Incapsula. Anyone with a website and their own domain are welcome to use the service. Adding it is easy by following directions to change your domain’s DNS settings. Incapsula uses a Web Application Firewall that detects new attackers and threats and protects your website. The servers inspect all of the incoming traffic to your site and keep the threats out.
In addition to security, the service also makes your website faster because it caches the content and serves it from the back end reducing the load on your servers.
The best thing is that there is no hardware or software to install and you can keep your current provider. If you don’t like the service, you can just turn it off, and go about your business as you did before you turned it on.
Incapsula CDN is easy to use. Once you have it on, it is easy to check out statistics about your website by logging onto their site as often as you wish. You can distinguish between human and bots visiting your website, and see the bandwidth being used.
The online support is lacking in that there is not a support chat feature, but they have an extensive forum with a variety of help topics and discussions about features and questions. There are topics for basic users as well as more advanced help available. The user forum also allows users to discuss features.
There are 4 different plans that you can choose from depending on your website needs. The Personal Plan is free, and provides a lot of options for most users. You get up to 25 GB transfer per month, security that includes bad bot blocking, SQL injection prevention and cross-site scripting prevention, performance improvement, monitoring, a management console, weekly digest reports, and community support.

Easy Buying And Selling Products On Facebook
Written by Denise Gabbard who writes about a wide range of topics: kids and pets, travel and SEO, and occasionally information about fleet insurance online. If you want to contribute your writings to this blog then check the guest posting guidelines.
Many people are curious: is there a Facebook shopping app you can use to buy and sell items on your Facebook page, or even simply through Facebook? The answer is yes: there are numerous apps on Facebook which you can use to do this. Some of them are more complicated than others, but they are all worth checking out. In this article, we will review two of the easiest Facebook shopping apps that are available to users across the world.
A Facebook shopping app that is quickly becoming popular is ShopTab. This incredible application allows you to set up your own shop on Facebook to sell products you come up with: whether that be for a company, band, group, or even on a professional scale. You must first “like” this app on Facebook, and then you have the option to go directly to the app. After going to the app, you set up an account with ShopTab, and upload your products that you want to sell. On your company’s fan page, you can then add the “Shop” tab to the page, which allows your fans to look at all of your products you are making available on Facebook.
A major downfall of the ShopTab app is that your products do not actually sell directly through Facebook. While people can view them on your Facebook page, as soon as the customer clicks “Buy now,” he or she is redirected to your personal website to purchase the item, which means that you need to have a storefront interface previously installed on the company’s website in order to make ShopTab work for you.
Simply Best Coupons
This app allows potential buyers to find coupons on Facebook and save money on deals that they might not have been able to get elsewhere. First you choose your country, then select online stores that you like to frequent. From there, you can choose the retailer, rate the company, or anything else of that nature. Facebook will notify you through either email or a notification when there are coupons or deals available to you.
You may be able to print these coupons out or get a promo code to enter on the website you are shopping at, which would be extremely beneficial to you because you could save large amounts of money on your total purchase.
These are just two popular Facebook shopping app categories, but the list is truly endless. Facebook has many more shopping apps to choose from, and it is quickly revolutionizing the online shopping industry and taking it by storm.

Free Shoutmeloud WordPress Theme For Download
I have posted a download link to shoutmeloud blogger template previously and many bloggers asked me whether I have the shoutmeloud wordpress theme or not. Based on thesis theme and with little time dedication I have created a shoutmeloud look alike theme for self hosted wordpress bloggers. The theme is fast, easy to install and involves no complexity.
I hope you all know shoutmeloud.com which is a famous blog about wordpress, making money online and various technology related stuff etc.
After installing this shoutmeloud wordpress template, a new settings will appear in the WordPress admin menu under the “Appearance” settings which allows you to add or edit logo, putting 468×60 image or text ads, putting 125×125 ads, adding javascript or any other additional scripts to footer.Features of this theme at a glance:
- Compatible with any version of wordpress
- Two navigation bar one above the logo and another below the logo
- Fully Search Engine optimized
- Search Box included
- Thumbnail feature included by default, no plugins or modification needed
- Number of comments is displayed on homepage
- Add your comment and Read more link on homepage
Shoutmeloud WordPress Theme Download link:
Installation Of Shoutmeloud WordPress Theme
Installation is easy and takes only a minute or less than that. Download and upload the theme to your blog’s directory from wordpress dashboard and activate it. Enjoy using shoutmeloud WordPress theme.

Internet Marketing – 5 Different Forms of Inbound Marketing
Summary: Just like conventional marketing which relies on specific mediums to push a product or service, inbound marketing can be categorized into four major types. Learn more about the different types of inbound marketing and implement them in a manner that best meets your objectives. The benefits of internet marketing is that you can target large audience without having to spend a lot of money unlike conventional marketing. To make money online or to generate good sales internet marketing is a must.
Inbound marketing is a relatively new marketing concept. Different from conventional outbound marketing strategies, which involved ‘push mediums’ like advertising, PR and direct marketing; inbound marketing revolves around proactively participating in the thought-process of prospective customers. Instead of trying to establish a requirement; inbound marketing seeks to satisfy an already existing requirement. Many internet marketing company nowadays uses inbound marketing strategy to help small or large business firm to generate sales or to make money by some other means like affiliate marketing, IT consulting, outsourcing etc
Presenting an overview of the four major types:
1) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves incorporating specific changes in your website and online presence to enable search engines to locate and drive target audiences to your site. The keywords selected, form the backbone of the SEO campaign. Organically, websites feature on SERPs only if the website is able to offer what the prospect is searching for. It is clear here that your target groups are looking for you, rather than you having to search for them. Rather than interrupting them, in fact, you are being of assistance to them.
2) Pay Per Click (PPC) is keyword based, very much like SEO. The keywords are still relevant to the search query. The single major difference is that, the keywords are paid for to ensure that the ad is inserted.
3) Social Media
People no longer appreciate being constantly barraged with sales talk. Prospects can opt to receive specific messages of a product or service which they are interested in via social media platforms. They establish relationships with the brand by becoming a fan or following it on popular social media sites. In addition, they can also look up niche social networking sites, within a specific industry. Thanks to social media, the consumers now have the power to make this own independent decisions. Just as a prospect can follow your site, he/she also has the ability to reject it. Thus it’s necessary to use the social media in a way that does not incite irritation or annoyance.
4) Blogging
A significant aspect of inbound marketing involves generating and sharing relevant content and insights with your target audience. This positions your company as a reliable, authentic and relatively accurate source of information. Rather than forcing people to visit your blog, they do so of their own will, attracted by the value they drive from its content.
To conclude, inbound marketing is an extremely important marketing type, welcomed by prospects who are bored of the ‘push marketing’. Having said that, do note that it does not seek to undermine the importance of traditional outbound marketing. A broad based and flexible marketing strategy offers the best of both worlds.
Written by Kaushal Gandhi who is Director at Aaris Internet Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Aaris is SEO company in India. Kaushal has conceptualized SEO Traingulation Method to get desired ranking. In addition, he is also a passionate blogger and writes on diverse topics such as Search Engine Optimization, PPC Management and Social Media. If you want to contribute your writings to this blog then check the guest posting guidelines

The Importance of Using Professionals For All Your Internet Marketing Efforts
Hiring Internet Marketing Companies to Avoid the Fancy Dress Disguise
Search engine optimization is getting more prominence and is considered to be the lifeline of online industry. Most of the first visitors to a website reach it through the Google search results. Almost 65% of the world population use Google as their preferred search engine. Hence, most of the optimization techniques are clouded around Google topics and this has resulted in an increase in the number of professionals offering SEO service. Your decision of venturing into online industry is highly commendable and it should be well augmented with the internet marketing strategies to reap the benefits.
Importance of Hiring a Professional
The first and foremost thing is to create a website to display the required information about your business services and products. The second important thing is to propagate the website URL to the audiences and create the awareness programs. It is not possible for all the individuals and business owners to do this task on their own. It is very important to hire a internet marketing consultant or a professional who has got a prior experience in exploring these avenues. There are services offered at lower price levels, however the end result will not be delivered. All your efforts and money will go in vain by hiring an inexperienced marketing professional.
Avoid Fancy Dress Disguise
Most of the individuals in this SEO offering services industry call themselves to be expert in this field. However, it is very important to scrutinize their previous works before hiring them. Most of the enterprise owners do not have any clue while hiring these professionals. The entrepreneurs have got great chances to build a successful business model with the help of these online marketing strategies. This task should be assigned to the professionals to make sure the time and money invested is worth the efforts and feasible results can be obtained. It is always recommended to hire a professional service or an internet marketing strategies company to execute your business ideas.
Solve the Jigsaw Puzzle
These internet marketing companies know the do-how’s and the approaches to be adopted based upon the business requirements. It might be very difficult to rise in the high tides especially when there is a stiff competition in this online industry. The end results might seem doomed at the earlier stages. However, the internet marketing professionals and companies are sure of the efforts to be put in and they make sure to solve the jigsaw puzzle for the entrepreneurs through a well thought out plan.
Get the Services Done
The professionals and companies will offer varied levels of services in order to obtain the ultimate results. This might include link building services through traditional and web 2.0 approaches. The companies know the tricks and tips to be executed in order to get the top position for your business keywords. Can you imagine getting your website on the top notch position in Google when a normal end user keys in the search box? It sounds great right! Here is your day and do not waste any more time. Hire the right kind of professionals to kick start your business to the next higher level.
It is always recommended that using one company for all internet marketing strategies is beneficial. If you are residing in United States of America and is a resident of Atlanta city then an internet marketing company known as atlanta search engine optimization would be the best choice to bring success of your business. The company, seo atlanta is a reliable service provider which focuses on increasing your website’s visibility on the world wide web with higher search engine ranking which will bring more customers to your site and as a result the ROI will be less which means with little investment on advertising you will get a lot in return. Similarly those who are living in the city, Tampa can also get the SEO service form this same company. Check out tampa seo for more.
This is a guest post by Sirangi Kalpana who Works for Brighton implant clinic one of the best website available on internet for dental implants treatments. If you want to contribute your writings to this blog then check the guest posting guidelines.

How To Have A Group Chat In Facebook
This is an old news but I discovered this feature today while I was playing with buttons on the corner of the facebook chat window.
Previously, friends who are members of a particular facebook group was able to chat with other members of that particular group simultaneously.
Now you can make this happen without creating a group having all your friends and initiating a group chat.
This group chatting is actually helping me a lot since I no longer have to deal with many friends on separate windows. Now I can add friends on the same window and can have a gossip with them.
Group chatting is sometimes helpful for academic purposes. If you want to have a group discussion on particular subject of your school or university then this will help you a lot.
It’s simple to start a group chat. Click on any friend on chat sidebar which will reveal a window and on the corner of the window you will see a button “add friends to chat”. Click on it, type your friends name and you are done with it.

Social Media Consultant | Does Your Business Need One?
These days Social Media Consultant are popping up quicker than you can say “Facebook”. In this article we’ll look at both the benefits of having one, such as helping leverage social media, as well as the draw backs.
How Can A Social Media Consultant Benefit My Business?
A good Social Media Consultant can deliver a number of benefits for your business, here are a few of the main ones:
Setting Goals and Objectives
Many businesses jump on to different social platforms such as facebook and twitter and start posting things up aimlessly. While most will enjoy an initial spike in new followers or fans – this will soon peter out and they’ll lose interest in the whole exercise. A good Social Media Consultant understands the vital importance of solid Goals and Objectives in achieving social media success, and will help you set these up from the outset.
Developing an Engaging Content Strategy
Developing engaging content for your target audience is key if you want to leverage social media properly. A Social Media Consultant can help you develop a schedule to keep your content creation on track, and also show you the best ways to source and curate content which will be relevant and interesting to your target audience.
Measuring Performance and ROI
One of the things businesses who are inexperienced with marketing on social media struggle with the most is measuring the effectiveness and of their efforts and ROI. However, if you want to leverage social media effectively, it’s extremely important to be in top of this. A Social Media Consultant will be able to help you select the appropriate tools for measuring and tracking your social media activities, and setting up a system to keep track of your ROI.
Saves you time and effort
An experienced Social Media Consultant has already done the hard yards in learning what does and doesn’t work as you try to leverage social media for the benefit of your business. While it will cost you a certain amount to employ the services of a consultant, this may be considerably less than the cost of time and mistakes you would make in trying to learn social media yourself.
Are there any draw back with hiring a Social Media Consultant?
Absolutely, all you have to do is jump on google and you’ll find plenty of articles telling you why you shouldn’t hire a social media consultant. Here are a couple of the main draw backs:
Shonky Consultants
These are the reason for the majority of articles telling you not to hire a social media consultant. There’s a lot of people out there charging exorbitant fees saying they can help your business leverage social media so you’ll be rolling in dough quick smart. That should be the first warning signal though – social media like anything else requires hard work and persistence to provide rewards, and you should be wary of anyone who tells you otherwise.
Loss of Control
Some Social Media Consultant’s can be pretty stubborn in their knowledge of what works and what doesn’t when you’re trying to leverage social media. This can turn out badly when a business owner/manager is unable to relinquish control and find themselves at logger heads with the consultant.
Does my Business need a Social Media Consultant?
This is a bit like asking “do I want my business to grow?” So in short the answer is yes. The key though is finding a good Social Media Consultant and having them operate in the capacity that’s right for your business. What I mean by this is that each business will benefit in different ways from the hiring of a Social Media Consultant. For example; a very large business with an in-house social media team would benefit by getting new ideas and fresh ideas from a consultant. A medium size business who has one or two employees responsible for social media would benefit from a consultant who can train those staff and provide ongoing guidance for them. A small business without staff dedicated to social media may benefit from a consultant who can run their whole campaign for them, and help them leverage social media that way. If you can find a good social media consultant, they’ll be able to tell you what’s right for your business.

10 Things You Should Look For When Choosing An Ecommerce Platform For Your Online Store
When starting an online store the most important thing that will determine how successfully you will be able to run it is the platform you choose. From a customer’s point of view an online store should be user friendly and up to date. It should have easy check out and shipping features and easy payment options as well. From an administrators point of view the online store should have a simple administrative panel, which will enable them to edit and manage the store easily.
With so many ecommerce platforms available in the market it is very difficult for a person to choose the best. But if you make a list of your requirements and conduct deep research of the services available you will be able to find the right platform for your e-store. Make one thing very clear in your mind - going for an expensive platform or CMS will not necessarily bring you success. It might even turn out to be the reason for your failure.
There are a few things one must consider when choosing an ecommerce platform or CMS for their online stores. They are the following:
First off, the most important thing is the security of the store. Choose a platform which offers a certified shopping cart. Usually platforms offer 256 bit SSL security which is the highest security certification in the market. This is generally a standard for all online stores which involve credit card or PayPal transactions. If your store is running without security or a certified platform, you will be putting yourself and your customers in danger of scams and may lead to fines by online authority.
The platform should allow 24 hour accessibility to the store and to the administration panel. The administrator should be able to make changes to the store any time he/she feels necessary. The customers should be able to make a purchase at anytime they see fit.
Your platform should have the flexibility to allow plugins and add on features. If in the future you decide to add or remove a feature you should be able to do it without a major fuss.
4.SEO Friendly:
The platform your use should be SEO friendly in order to promote your store. This will help your store climb up the search engine ratings and become easier for users to find. With the right service you will soon be getting heavy traffic.
In business time is money, so you can’t afford for your store to be down for even a minute. The platform you choose should be reliable even in case of failures; it should have a backup server which should start if the primary server fails.
6.Third Party Integration:
The platform should support addition of other software to the existing system. Examples of other software are trackers, email marketing tools, and social networking sites.
7.Easy Checkout:
Users should be provided with an easy checkout. If possible the owner can take advantage of the one page checkout facility.
8.Shipping System:
The platform should allow the integration of local postage services. It will allow the customers to find the cost for different type of shipping services remaining on the page.
9.Currency Conversion:
These days almost all platforms come with a currency conversion system. This allows international customers to calculate the cost in their own currency.
Choosing a platform which has a support unit will be a definite advantage. You can get support through telephone, email, chat and various other facilities.
Written by Richard who is a Magento developer, a famous eCommerce software platform. He helps business owners to successfully set up and run their business online. If you want to contribute your writings to this blog then check the guest posting guidelines

How To Choose The Best Internet Marketing Company
Every business needs a multi-faceted marketing strategy. Whether large or small, customers will have a hard time learning of a company and its products or services if they aren’t exposed to some amount of advertising on behalf of the company. The Internet is such an important aspect of business that Internet marketing requires its own development and strategy, while still remaining tied to a company’s physical advertising. There are many different areas of Internet marketing, including Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, banner ads, e-mail marketing and Search Engine Marketing (SEM). Even with an in-house advertising team, it would be difficult for a company to manage its entire Internet marketing campaign on its own, which is why it is beneficial for a company to hire a marketing firm that can handle all aspects of Internet marketing. When a firm has been hired, there are three main factors that will contribute to the development of a successful marketing campaign: communication, consolidation and collaboration.
Being able to communicate effectively is the foundation of any good relationship, business or otherwise. When working with a marketing firm, businesses need to find the most efficient, easy-to-use way to share resources. This can take the form of online file storage services, text/voice chat applications or collaboration apps. If the people running a business can’t effectively communicate their desires to the marketing firm, the resulting campaign will likely end up being vague and mis-targeted.
Internet marketing campaigns are best handled by a single firm that can bring a cohesive campaign to the client and maintain a unity of vision and purpose that will keep the ROI high for the client. Hiring multiple advertising agencies to create the different areas of a campaign will result in increased miscommunications, incompatible creative visions and a disjointed advertising strategy. Likewise, when working with one marketing firm it’s important that the overall purpose and design of a campaign be expressed in each individual part. Advertisements, websites, social media accounts and emails should have similar designs and a unity of voice and mission.
There needs to exist a collaborative spirit both between the advertising company and its client and within the advertising firm. The client and marketing firm should work closely together to tweak and refine all aspects of the campaign. Further, the client should be offered explanations for major design changes and decisions so they will feel more comfortable with the final product and be less likely to have a bad experience. Within the advertising firm, it’s important for the teams working on each aspect of the overall campaign to coordinate their efforts and bring a cohesive strategy to the table for the client. If a firm looks disorganized and its internal departments lack a unified direction, potential clients should consider finding another firm.
Internet marketing is vital for the success of any business, no matter the size. While it may be tempting to handle the advertising campaign in-house, it’s often the best decision to hire a dedicated Internet marketing firm to provide the business with knowledge, experience and a unified vision. Throughout the process, the client and marketing firm should communicate well, provide a consolidated campaign and collaborate to provide for the best possible outcome for both companies.

EVO 3G & EVO VIEW 4G For Non Premier Masses: A Reason To Smile
This year’s June 24th launch of EVO 3G and EVO VIEW 4G is supposedly a reason to smile for the gadget lovers. Even if you are not a diehard gadget freak, these two devices can apparently act as feathers in the cap. In the technical world of smart phones, the EVO 3G and EVO View 4G are unmatched. America leads the world in introducing its first “glass-free” 3D phone (EVO 3G). The tablet 4G (EVO VIEW 4G) is another innovation of its kind.
The tablet HTC EVO View 4G is equipped to give flawless saving and sorting functionality to your handset. There is a host of utilities like doodles, voice recordings and marked-up emails. The small 7” touch screen size enables a perfect fit overcoming the hurdle posed by most other tablets. It has been equipped with some of the latest and robust technologies like a 1.5Ghz Qualcomm® Snapdragon® processor and Android 2.3 operating system (can be upgraded to Android 3.0). The ECO View 4G takes entertainment to a new level with HD-like quality video. The 1024 x 600-pixel glossy display image quality is superb even at angular variations. The web-browsing ability to browse the net on Flash-enabled sites provides additional delight to the user. The interface provided by EVO 4G is prompt and responsive. The excellent pen input options are another addition to the endless list of utilities loaded on the HTC EVO View 4G. The diverse applications enable the EVO 4G to gain an edge in the industry.
You can avail a limited offer of getting a HTC Scribe digital pen at no extra cost (and you could save your $79.99) along with the EVO 4G. With such forceful features, the EVO VIEW 4G can go much ahead of other tablets adorning the industry. It is priced at $399.99 (without tax) in the USA.
The HTC EVO 3D is another promising wireless gadget for the seekers. This glasses-free phone has a similar view as yours – in 3D. The striking 4.3-inch qHD display enables you to get the websites clean with incredibly fluid videos. The vivid images give the feel of actually reliving the moments once again. The camera performance is superb owing to 3D. There are other features like sleek look, powerful performance and ease of handling to effortlessly attract the users. However, its strength is mainly attributed to its 3D element. HTC EVO 3D features dual 5-megapixel cameras to capture your favorite images in 3D and videos. The prompt 4G enabled utilities are eye catchy, particularly the gaming. It works on Android™ 2.3 operating system and the robust 1.2GHz Qualcomm® Snapdragon® dual-core processor. The Laptop Magazine gave HTC EVO 3D its “Best Smart Phone Award”.
HTC EVO 3D requires activation on one of Sprint’s everything Data plans with an additional $10 Premium Data add-on charge for smart phones. It is priced at $199.99 (without tax) and comes with a two year contract or qualifying upgrade.
These two exciting and promising devices have been built considering the effortless and supreme utility demands of the users. They potentially can establish an excellent market, giving endless benefits to the end users.
Written by Amanda Kidd who is a blogger and is fond of writing on tech help and most expensive gadgets. She is all into computers and in recent times she learnt a lot about windows server. Beside this she is growing her interest towards luxury items and planning to write something on that. Interested in guest blogging ? Then check the guest posting guidelines

How the Education System Can Take a Great Leap Forward with Technology
Many start-ups are targeting the education market, as technology makes it easier and more cost effective to bring education to the poorer regions of the world. It’s one of the hot investment areas and where there is profit, there is progress. Education is key to economic wealth and as Horace Mann so aptly stated, “Education then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men, the balance-wheel of the social machinery.”
But what about the richest countries whose education system haven’t changed in generations and are under budget pressures? The government has grant programs for those start-ups looking to improve the American education process and today, investors think favorably of government funding as it does not consume equity in a start-up. On the downside, investors don’t like the education system because it is notoriously cheap, has long sales cycles, and is risk averse. With such government emphasis on education improvements, the investors are sure there will be some start-up winners.
Last year, my local school district anticipated a budget shortfall and asked parents for suggestions. When I took a look at the school district’s budget, I saw their problem. They needed to cut millions from their operating budget, yet 85% of their expenses were labor. It simply wasn’t possible to reduce the budget in the non-labor areas by the amount needed.
Let’s step back for a moment and take a quick look at what happened with telecommunications. When telecom and networking were taking a great leap forward in the bubble, the developing countries skipped the landline infrastructure and went directly to wireless and cell technologies. Now landlines are in decline in the developed countries as wireless became more cost effective, capable and preferred by customers.
Education is likely to follow suit. We have been dabbling with distance and online learning for more than a decade. The technical capability is there, now it’s just a matter of adoption. The poorer and developing countries will lead the way and start with using technology to educate the masses more efficiently. Eventually this trend will transition into the US school system.
As a parent, elementary school children aren’t capable of being self-directed learners, they will always benefit from the constant daily attention of teachers. As children become older, they are more capable of being self-directed and by the time they get to college, students spend little time in the formal classroom setting.
So why isn’t this transition made sooner in the education system? Why can’t middle school and high school students spend 2 to 3 days per week, accessing online, distance learning programs and not being taught by costly teachers?
Automation in any process produces consistency. Now there are continual complaints about the disparity among the schools in the US, some districts score well on the standardized test and some don’t. Wouldn’t a system encompassing partial online learning produce more uniform results? It does in manufacturing plants.
In my experience, when you have a severe budget problem and labor is biggest component, there are usually two things that happen: automation replaces labor and/or a less expensive source of labor is found.
Education is poised to take a great leap forward, which means this is a great opportunity for start-ups. My daughter is being taught like I was taught, and I was taught the way my parents and grandparents were taught. Is it time we updated the way we educate our children? The immediate market opportunity is in the non-public schools and abroad in developing countries, and whoever gets the biggest market share in those segments will be ready to capitalize on the opportunity in the public school systems.
Cynthia Kocialski is the founder of three tech start-ups companies. In the past 15 years, she has been involved in dozens of start-ups. Cynthia writes the Start-up Entrepreneurs’ Blog (www.cynthiakocialski.com) and has written the book, “Startup From The Ground Up – Practical Insights for Entrepreneurs, How to Go from an Idea to New Business” (www.startupfromthegroundup.com). If you want to write for bdtechie then check the guest posting guidelines

Fast N Furious: Booting time less than 20 seconds for Window 8
Microsoft has finally allowed a peep into its next version of Windows i.e. Windows 8 and what one can expect from it. With Windows 8, Microsoft plans to get a foothold in the tablet market too. An in depth look into the preview released by Microsoft themselves gives an idea of what is in store. Here are some of the best things to look forward in MS Windows 8 Operating system:
One Single Operating System: The new OS is an improved version of Windows 7 with an additional “layer” or a “shell” as it claims to be optimized for touch screens but also can also run on traditional mouse/keyboard PCs. You can actually switch between the regular Windows 8 desktop and the new home screen very easily. It claims to have a booting time of less than 20 seconds for Windows 8. This will definitely save on time and electricity and do away with the cumbersome wait for the completion of booting.
All New Interface: The new user interface (UI) starts with a lock screen that allows you to change the background. You will be regularly greeted with basic alerts that include emails, events alongside the day and date. The account user screen appears after unlock and can be accessed after swiping up, that leads to a new home screen. In fact the new interface is much like the Metro UI with some interesting tweaks that favor the new interface.
Start Screen: Windows 8 presents you with anew tiled mosaic home screen and the larger live tiles have been designed to display some more information. Most of the apps will be fitted in here. The interface looks as if it is designed for a landscape view.
IE 10: This OS comes with Internet Explorer 10 that has been fully redesigned for touch and is hardware accelerated. The IE10 has tabs along the top and navigation controls on the address bar at the bottom of the screen. Looks like IE 10 is a real Windows app and not just an HTML 5 or JavaScript app.
Revamped Soft Keyboard The touch-centric Windows 8 has a keyboard that can support multiple layouts. One is the standard keyboard and the other is split for thumb typing when you are on the fly. Navigation seems easy with swiping up and scrolling to go through your apps. The best gesture is something called ”Snap” which allows you to switch midway to another app from the present app.
Hardware: The Windows 8 OS is for desktops, laptops and tablets alike and claims to require less horsepower than Windows 7. It will support both ARM and x86 processors. This means that the apps can run on both these processors and this sound quite interesting.e
Final Thoughts: Windows 8 seems quite promising if it can fulfill all what it is meant to deliver. Some truly innovative features such as Snap can allow multitasking with tablets. Some amazing tweaking with the Metro UI and adding of new applications is something to look forward to. If it can run the legacy apps on ARM systems then truly this will blend the old concepts with the new and make computing a pleasant experience for one and all. The Windows can then become a sought after OS with its one OS for all computers modeling.
Writteb by Alia Haley who is a blogger whose thirst for latest gadgets in the market is insatiable. She loves making friends and hence, is very active on the social media sites. She is very fond of notebook computers and is thinking of switching to a new one. If you want to write for bdtechie then check the guest posting guidelines